

Time stopped,
but the sound of buttons falling everywhere
where still on my mind.
I was uneasy,
until I saw what was beneath.
It took my breath away
and suddenly I was fine.

I need no love
nor sweet words
much less promises.

Just this
and, oh,
I've missed it.



Twenty Two
I've felt life
Kiss my forehead
While I played the fool

Twenty two
I've died
And lived
at the same time

Twenty two
I've turn out tonight
But that ain't good
'cause we had a fight
about how we were true

Twenty two
Will it ever end?
When will it trully began?



Tonight I wish you would stay,
just a little bit longer,
not forever though.

´Cause I would be sick
to see your face everyday

But ain´t that love and hate?
Maybe it´s fate
playing a trick
on me



Baby, I still want you back.
I wanna get home
and see you in my bed.
Saying: don't leave me alone.

But that's not real life.
I've left with no regrets,
And that was for the best.
But I won't lie,
I still dream of you,
just not every night.

When will we grow?
When will the scars show
what we've lost...


You made me feel like a little girl
Who trust beautiful words
But you made me realize
That’s not how the world works
And that’s fine
‘Cause now I've become a woman