

Tonight I wish you would stay,
just a little bit longer,
not forever though.

´Cause I would be sick
to see your face everyday

But ain´t that love and hate?
Maybe it´s fate
playing a trick
on me



Baby, I still want you back.
I wanna get home
and see you in my bed.
Saying: don't leave me alone.

But that's not real life.
I've left with no regrets,
And that was for the best.
But I won't lie,
I still dream of you,
just not every night.

When will we grow?
When will the scars show
what we've lost...


You made me feel like a little girl
Who trust beautiful words
But you made me realize
That’s not how the world works
And that’s fine
‘Cause now I've become a woman


Fuck this shit
Maybe it wasn't meant to be
I mean you and me.

I'm just too tired
to make things fit
So fuck it


little child

Oh, little child,
Little child
Dont you cry
There's no need
To feel
Oh no, no more

Cant you ignore?
The bad things that you feel
Stop the fear!
Say: Oh no, no more
To the tears
That overflow

And beware
Of the sadness that you hold
Oh no, no more
No more rain
In our sky
So dont you cry
Little child
Little child
Dont you dare cry